washing and cleaning
Reference: 90240
Hlavica kefy určená na upratovacie práce na uliciach, námestiach a iných väčších plochách. Je vynikajúci pri riešení veľkých aj malých nečistôt, akými sú peľ alebo zvieracie chlpy. Nástroj je dodávaný v sade s...
Reference: 59860
The Fresso Signature Man is an elegant, hanging, wooden air freshener with a braided hanging cord. The modern design is an inconspicuous and decent addition to any interior. The Signature Man fragrance is the choice...
Reference: 59204
Fresso Pure Passion is an elegant hanging wooden air freshener with a braided hanging cord. The modern design is an unobtrusive and discreet addition to any interior. The Pure Passion scent is a combination of the...
Reference: 59006
Fresso Sugar Love is an elegant hanging wooden air freshener with a braided hanging cord. The modern design is an unobtrusive and discreet addition to any interior. The Sugar Love scent is a light, sweet, fruity...
Reference: 59044
Fresso Snow Pearl is an elegant, hanging, wooden air freshener with a braided hanging string. The modern design is an inconspicuous and discreet addition to any interior. The Snow Pearl fragrance is a light and fresh...
Reference: 59013
Fresso Magnetic je elegantný, závesný, drevený osviežovač vzduchu s pletenou závesnou šnúrkou. Moderný dizajn je nenápadným a decentným doplnkom každého interiéru.Vôňa Magnetic Style je rafinovaná ovocná vôňa,...
Reference: 59020
Fresso Gentleman is an elegant, hanging, wooden air freshener with a braided hanging cord. The modern design is an inconspicuous and decent addition to any interior. The Gentleman fragrance is the choice of every...
Reference: 59129
The Fresso Paradise Spark is an elegant, hanging, wooden air freshener with a braided hanging cord. The modern design is an inconspicuous and discreet addition to any interior. The Paradise Spark fragrance is a...
Reference: 59051
Fresso Dark Delight is an elegant hanging wooden air freshener with a braided hanging string. The modern design is an inconspicuous and decent addition to any interior. The Dark Delight fragrance is a light, but...
Reference: 59884
Fresso Signature Man is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. a pleasant non-obtrusive scent that will last you up to one...
Reference: 59211
Fresso Pure Passion is a car perfume with a spray in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. the ingredients are a guarantee of a pleasant, unobtrusive scent that...
Reference: 59136
Fresso Paradise Spark is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. The fragrance of Paradise Spark is a combination of a light fruity...
Reference: 59105
Fresso Snow Pearl is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. The Snow Pearl fragrance is a light and fresh fruity fragrance, carefully...
Reference: 59075
Fresso Magnetic is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time thanks to its extraordinary richness. The Magnetic Style fragrance is a refined fruity fragrance, carefully...
Reference: 59082
Fresso Gentleman is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. .Body: watercress, lavender, exotic woodsTop notes: sweet vanilla, patchouli
Reference: 59112
Fresso Dark Delight is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. The Dark Delight scent is a light, but intense, floral scent, carefully...
Reference: 59068
Fresso Sugar Love is a car perfume with a sprayer in a 50 ml package, which you can use for a long time, thanks to its extraordinary abundance. lasts up to one month.Fragrance body: sandalwood, vanilla, almondsTop...
Reference: 98539
for 5 bottles with a maximum diameter of 86 mm
Reference: ZOL012
Ideal for washing vehicles. It has the shape of a guitar for better grip and handling.
Reference: 90752
Ochráni pred nadmerným odparovaním obojstrannou hubkou proti zahmlievaniu. Kožená strana je na čistenie skla, modrá strana odstraňuje šmuhy a zanecháva perfektne čisté sklo, na ktorom sa para ťažšie zbiera. Ideálne na...